Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Al--I see. What I thing comes much closer to reaching that goal is to listen to binaurally recorded music with headphones. I wish there was a large selection of such recordings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRih10xLhD8&feature=related.
Yes, I did the measurement thing years ago out of curiosity, and I also had an Audio Control auto EQ unit at one point. These days, I have no interest and just trust my ears.

I can add that increasing treble levels on Walsh 5s using the on-board adjustments do make the sound a tad more forward than otherwise based on my experience listening with different levels set on the Walsh 5 drivers.

A Walsh that sounds forward is probably having somewhat more of the overall sound being produced by the super tweeter rather than the Walsh driver, which, like most omnis I believe, is naturally laid back as a result of more sound being emitted towards the rear than most box designs.
Line -- Yes, I have two or three binaural recordings from the 1980's, and they are indeed awesome! Too bad that a lot more recordings aren't done that way.

I think though that the subjective results they provide will vary significantly from listener to listener. What the listener hears essentially depends on the physical and acoustical characteristics of the ears on the dummy head that was used in the recording process, which will deviate to different degrees from the hearing characteristics of different listeners.

Best regards,
-- Al
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mapman, I agree! Ohm was way ahead of their time. I have been following them since the 70's as a teenager. They developed surround before it was even developed. I owned bose 901's too and there is no comparison. Having planars, electrostats and srslabs klayman signature now discontinued, what makes the ohm's unique is that it creates a combination of all those unique designs in one design. I look at loudspeakers like instruments. Ohm surround sound is the ultimate affordable high end home theater loudspeakers. I was using my 4xo as main, 2xo rears and pro 200 as center and it blends well with NAD or carver/sunfire amp/processor or receiver which I use and it's magic when you use DAKIOM feedback stablizers and sound processors like carver holography or srslabs,bbe or behringer processors. I haven't tried tubes yet. I use my tubes for my bookshelfs! I like the clean sound of tubes. Until I bought inexpensive tube amps, now I understand why many audiophiles spent $$ on tube amps. It's really worth it for the hobby. Until I heard planars and electrostats, I didn't know any other sound. Until I heard ohm's I didn't know true omni and combination electrostat/planar and dynamic all rolled into one! ohm inspired the more expensive german designs such as german physiks, duevel and mbl omni directional designs, especially german physiks which uses the walsh concepts. I'd like to hear those ultra high end designs.
ohm do not stay posted on ebay and audiogon for very long because every ohm fan will jump to buy or bid on them not like other speakers