SME V tone arm advice

I’m the original owner of the SME V tone arm, Litz wire on a Oracle Delphi Mk II table. I would like to upgrade the table in the 3-4 K range. My question is might it be better to sell the arm and purchase a table arm combination such as VPI prime or keep the arm and add a table and maybe replace the phono cable? A new cartridge is up for grabs at this point, prefer high output.  Thanks everyone for your experienced opinions. 
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But @best-groove it sounds so much better -- and as to "distorts the Michell Project" (whatever that means, I met John back in the day and I'm sure he'd be good which whatever you want to do with his baby) not sure what to think

If you are fixed on looks stick with the Oracle

More seriously post Pederson mods setting bounce is much more predictable and easily achieved, stability is improved and overall its a no brainer
Hanss T-30 (or T-60) + SME V is also a good combination. Very rigid arm + rock solid stable player. My SME V worked well on the VPI hw19 also, but the synnergy is better here.
Thanks Folkfreak, the gyrodec is only in transit to me and already fascinated by the Pedersen mod. I haven’t spun vinyl since my Talisman Virtuoso DTI. Hopefully my growth will be slow and steady as I’m already out of comfort zone so to speak.