HDMI Audio Quality vs Optical/Digital/Analogue

Have any of you done experiments comparing audio qualit, via HDMI to alternatives - optical, digital, or analogue? I'm wondering if HDMI audio is necessarily equal or better, or, does it depend on other factors (or inferior?).
Analogue is good.
Coax Digital is better.
Optical is much much better.
HDMI is best.
HDMI 1.3 with DTS HD or Dolby Tru HD is fabulous.
so far
In response to Mtrot: Correct me if I'm wrong, But I was told that Coax-Digital has a higher bandwidth than Optical. I use Coax for my home theatre 5 channel listening and it does sound better than Optical..just a listening fact....

Coax digital has wider bandwidth than the original TOSlink interfaces would permit but TOSlink has been improved to its equal today.
