I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable.

I am looking for suggestions for phono amp, turntable, arm and cartridge to match my existing system. The ARC110 does not have a phono, so I am stuck as to what will pair best. Thanks for your thoughts. JMW
If I remember right, Fremer has Ypsilon tube phono stage, his favorite phono stage. Unless this has changed.
Yeah, that Continuum must be something, but he compared the Technics with other tables too.
Here goes @rauliruegas, again.  Trying to write a classic novel in every comment.  And still in full denial that tubes work as well or better than solid state for phono stages.  Poor fellow.  Keeps getting his financial interests above reality.
Dear @fsonicsmith : I know all what you posted but that's not exactly my point.

We can't do nothing about the overall  recording proccess.

Where can we mantain any kind of distortions at minimum? only at room/system playback proccess and to mantain distortions at minimum we have to learn all those points I posted .

This is my target: m achieve it then I will be nearer to the recording.

Easy to say and very complex to achieve that target. Name of the game here?: just knowledge level at two different " stages " MUSIC ( live music. ) and reproduced sound additional we have to have the rigth developed skills to do it.

The learning proccess is and takes a long long time ( years. ) and that proccess is the key the true key for we can be nearer to the recording.

Several gentlemans in this and in other internet forums are " against " my posts and try even to hit me because all of them just can't understand where resides where is the foundation true and real foundation of my posts and can't understand it  because my targets and learning proccess is way diofferent from the ones they have.

Many of them think that are music lovers and audiophiles but many of them unknow how live instruments ( solo or in an orchestra. ) performs at near seat position ( 2-3m. ).

The words used for audiophuiles as: soundstage, lush, softness, inner detal, laywering, deep and the like just does not exist in a live event with any kind of instruments or orchestras. MUSUIC performs in way different mode but things are that normally recording microphones positions are at near field not at 25m-40m.

All my audio item evaluations are made it at near field seat position in my room/audio system and if necessary through headphones too.

bpolleti said I'm against tube technology when in reality I'm not per sé. Things are that I'm in favor of MUSIC and tubes is for tube lovers but not for true MUSIC lovers and certainly not for MUSIC sound reproduction in any room/audio system.

All the arguments that  a tube lover think he has are totally wrong because has no true/real foundation on those targets I mentioned. In reality they like that hardware but not real MUSIC.

Sooner or latter some of them will learn ( as I did it. ) or maybe never. I don't care about because is not my problem it's not me whom has to live for ever in the " mistake ".

Why then things seems for every one that I really care on tubes?: because what I care about  in the same manner that all those tube lovers spread their mistakes I  just tell them not only that all ( including reviewers, distributors and manufacturers of that technology. ) is that them are totally wrong but I tell them why are wrong. Tube technology goes always against MUSIC in the worst manner we can think in the playback overall proccess in any home room/audio system.

Problem with them is that always tell the one is wrong is me but never ever explain with precision why I'm wrong. Till today no where internet no one proved I'm wrong. I really wish many gentlemans can do it because I always said and say: every single day is a learning day.

No, I'm not biased through SS technology. I repeat: I'm biased in favor always to the MUSIC and from some years now things are that well designed full SS electronics is the only true way to go to honor the MUSIC that's an ART.

Normally audio distributors, manufacturers and even reviewers are moved by $$$$$$ and how to takes the higher they can from us customers.

In the other side what moves to us customers and true audiophiles: only our whole knowledge levels and ignorance levels that we all have.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
This is fantastic, getting so much info. While I am finding fsonicsmith particularly helpful, all responses are greatly appreciated and helpful...I have a lot to learn but this discussion is increasing my appetite for making choices that will hopefully enhance my listening pleasure. Again thanks to All of you and more info is invaluable to me.
@rauliruegas  - You are EXTREMELY BIASED toward SS and have deep financial interests in the products you promote.