Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Had to mention here that somebody has a pair of original OHM C2s listed on agon for $50 in the NYC metro area.

Assuming all is in order, that is a steal! I am tempted to buy despite having no need.

The C2s are one of the larger and better 70's vintage era speakers that I recall. They sold for $700/pair back then and were one of the best in that range I recall hearing. They are a touch brighter than most OHMs on teh top end, which makes them very good for low to moderate level listening.

These could be worth a $700 trade in towards newer OHMS as well assuming the cabinets are refurbishable.
There are also Ohm Walsh 4s for $850.00 and 100 Mk. IIs for $800.00. Both are for pickup in metro San Diego within a short drive of my old home but won't work for me now. Still, curious about the differences between the two.
Went to a lovely wedding yesterday in a fairly contemporary and nicely designed church complete with sizable pipe organ, vaulted ceilings, the works pretty much in a very nice sized but not cavernous room.

I love pipe organs! Fascinating devices.

Of course my ears are always tuned to what I hear at any live event involving music as they were yesterday.

I came out feeling even more enamoured of the big OHM 5s. I love what they do and how they do it. I seem to never come away from live musical events feeling shorted listening at home anymore these days, which has not always been the case. More convinced than ever that the OHM Walsh speakers are truly an audiophiles dream at a very affordable price.
It would be ludicrous to claim the same with with my MWT's, especially comparing to a pipe organ. In about 10 years we might be able to settle into a permanent house, and I can try some beefier Ohm's.

That being said, I've never been disappointed with them, especially after hearing 'higher end' sytems. The point is, after 1 1/2 years of ownership, I also am convinced more than ever how great these speakers are.
Hi, everyone!

I have been on the search for my first pair of "real" loudspeakers for a long stretch of years, and I've decided to finally take the plunge. I do not have, by any means, "a well-trained ear." I just love good sound and want to appreciate it more fully now that I have a little more time to do so, and I have never really had an opportunity to experience high-quality speakers. I had never really looked into alternative designs much until a friend who used to install home theaters mentioned the Mirage OMDs that he uses in his setup.

The omni idea of wide dispersion peaked my interest, and after a few days of reading around I stumbled onto the Ohms. More looking into them led to this thread, and, after a couple weeks, I've managed to wade through the entire thing. Upon mention of my interest in Walshes, my friend wrinkled his nose slightly, cocked his head, and said he didn't think the difference would really be worth the money. I decided to ignore his opinion for now.

Yesterday, I took the first big step, called John, and ordered a pair of 1000's with rosewood veneer to put to trial. They should be on their way in about three weeks! Hopefully, my friend will be willing to let me hook up the Walshes next to his system (after break-in, of course) to do a direct comparison.

I'm certain I saw a couple of mentions or comparisons here and there regarding the Ohm Walshes and Mirage OMD line, but I was wondering if any of you wonderful gentlemen have had the opportunity to do a side by side or have much experience with both of these speakers, and wouldn't mind refreshing me on your thoughts.

I'm interested in your various impressions between the two, technically, sonically, and otherwise.

Thank you all for this amazingly abundant resource.