Airplay icon missing from iTunes on PC

Hello:  I know this is old school, but I have an extensive music library on iTunes which resides on my PC.  Up until a few days ago I was able t stream to my Marantz CR610.  And then the AirPlay icon vanished.  Have tried every fix possible from other communities / Apple (non-support).  Anyone have an idea of what to do?  My music is being held hostage...


Better idea... is your wifi turned on? (look for the icon)
If it is on, maybe iTunes isn't connected to your network.

Hey there:  Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes.  When I tried the previous version iTunes could not read my library.  Also did as suggested on the Apple forum and unchecked the V6 in the file sharing, that did nothing.  I don't have Wi-Fi on the Marantz of my PC.  I am stumped.  Any other ideas/suggestions will be appreciated.
