what does everybody think about 120hz and lcd's

I just bought a new samsung 52" lcd with 120hz processing and impressed with the picture. I was wondering what other people thought of them?
LCD is poor compared to a a great Plasma. (I have both and there is absolutely no contest - despite all the marketing BS about contrast ratios)
I put a 52" Samsung 750 in our bedroom. Our cable goes to a HD Tivo for watching TV and an Oppo DVD player for movies. We sit 9' away and the picture on HD is stunning. Even SD on cable looks good.
Shadorne, you put that plasma in a brightly lighted room(natural daylight)and you're right there's no contest, the LCD wins every time.
I am with Shadorn on this one, I was looking at both plasma's and LCD's for a few months. 120Hz or not LCD's have a motion blur to them.

Sure a LCD might be a bit more bright, but they will not have the deep blacks and the depth to the picture a great plasma has. The colors are more rich as well on a plasma.

I ended up getting the Pioneer Kuro.. just amazing! I looked at everything.

If you watch a lot of movies defiantly go with the plasma.
I have a Sony with no noticeable blur. Plasmas have a glare that may not be appropriate in many situations.