Restored Fisher 400 - impressed

I just had my fisher 400 restored/refurbished and I am completely blown away.  What is odd is I have/had some decent integrated amps and separates (I have a  LFD, had a Plinius 9100, and separates - Clayton s40 and coda pre-amp.  Also have a resolution Cantata 2.0 that has a pre-amp built in a different system).  The fisher 400 may not beat them in all categories - I think bass control is perhaps the Fisher's largest fault, but when I say fault that is minimal.  

Has anyone done serious blind A/B comparisons with restored/refurbished legacy gear to modern gear?  I'd be curious to do a blind test with some of the better tube and SS integrated amps.  

Right now the fisher is in my 'heritage system' - I have a pair of modded Cornwall 1s, fisher 400 and a schiit  bi-frost multi-bit DAC.  This system is easily had for under 2K, but with patience can probably be found and built for 1600.  

I see why older amps have increased in price.  They look and perform good.

A few years ago, I inherited an old Fisher 100b that my dad owned back in the 60s. I too had it refurbished and was amazed at how good is sounded. Sure, it was not the last word with high end extension and with 30 watts  could not rock the casbah like my current Octave integrated, but what id did do amazingly well was produce relaxing and natural sounding "music". I was truly impressed. 
I'm remembering now that I came really close to buying one about 5 years ago, and one thing that stopped me is those ancient binding posts. If I did buy one, I would have them changed for some modern ones as I did with my Mac 2105. 
@roxy54 i think i will hed that route.  i am using Dueland wire, but would like to have better binding posts on the fisher.  the cable are diiicult to aecure 

what did you go with?

I went with WBT. After all of the years of dealing with the old strips on Mac amps, it is such a pleasure. Of course, I lost the option for 4 and 16 ohm connection, but my speakers are 8 ohm, and I 've also used my Mac with 4 ohm speakers with no problems.

I know that most people would never consider doing that because of resale value, but I have no regrets whatsoever. 

I believe, but am not sure, that you can buy inexpensive connectors to attach your bigger spades/bananas to and then you attach the connectors smaller spades to your amp.