Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Thank you for all three replies - that all sounds very hopeful. My inclination is to try the 1000. The volume of my room, with 9' ceiling, is just over the 1000 mark, and excessive bass has never been an issue with any speaker I have used (Altec A7 and split 210 cabinets included). I'll check in with Ohm.

leahy, like has been suggested, talk with John at Ohm, give him as much detail as you can on your room size, shape, and what you want to accomplish with your system. He will steer you right between the choices, and how well any of them will work. 

I would be inclined to say MWT’s could work very well, and they really do have very respectable bass. The 1000 improves on the bass end even more so, but depending on placement may prove too much potentially. But all that is my own thoughts at the moment. Ask the one who will know. 

I think your current system with the Naim and Totem(I used a Naim Uniti with MW T’s for awhile) is a good one, if it works well, sometimes it may be difficult to upset things, but with Ohm’s very generous trial period, certainly worth a try, I say go for it. As Map stated, the MWT abd Arro are very similar in size, the Ohm being a bit taller maybe, but that is where the comparisons will end, they both do a bit different things sound wise of course. 

Have fun, enjoy the music either way! Tim
Totem Arro and OHM MWT are perhaps my two favorite floor standers of their size and price range that I know of.   I could live with either but in the end I would probably live more contently with the MWTs  because I am an omni kind of guy in general.  Room acoustics and placement options will be a big factor in choosing between these two as both do everything they do extremely well.  Is MWT as detailed as Arro?   Would have to spend more time with both to know for sure.
Map, like you, I too would prefer the Omni approach, giving nod to the MWT over the Arro, however it is certainly horses for courses. 

I have not lived with Arro either, the MWT I have, so hard to say. As to which one is most detailed, that too a tough call, as presentation and perspective kind of differs a bit. One may perceive the Arro as the more detailed as the sound is thrown directly at you, the MWT more diffuse-although I really somewhat hate that term, as it always seems to be applied to all omnis in general, one in which I feel is wrong a lot of the time....

Either one though is a nice speaker in its own right. 
Ironically, if you perouse the start of this thread my recollection is the OP Rebbi discussed his  Totem Arros prior to trying OHMs.