When to replace preamp tubes?

When do you replace preamp tubes like 12AU7sand 12AX7? Do you wait till they blow or start making noise? It seems I’ve had them in for a long time and are in use everyday. I have replaced them in the past when they become microphonic but should I wait that long, should I just replace them after a certain amount of hours?
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Preamp tubes rarely blow.  They just fade away...
If they lose dynamics or get microphonic it maybe time.  A tube tester is a must or find a local shop with a tester.
It depends on the preamp, some of them are tougher on tubes than others so you really can’t get a definitive answer. You can install new tubes from the same date batch for each channel and one will give it up after 6 months while the other can stay strong for five years. Happened to me a lot over 25 years with the tube-eating CAT SL-1

What I do is every two years is substitute a new set and if I don’t hear a difference I put the old ones back. This way I don’t have to stress over whether the tubes have lost something that I can’t hear because of the gradual deterioration nature of tubes. Other than that, when you hear hissing, pops or crackles, obviously then it’s time for a new tube.
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Yes, elevick and gs5556, that’s why I posed the question. They rarely blow and if I’m hearing noise that I can isolate to an individual tube, I’ll replace it. But tubes do degrade. Over time the degradation isn’t obvious. I wanted to hear what other people were doing. The prices of NOS tubes are very strong. So I don’t want to replace them if it’s not necessary but I don’t want to sacrifice the sound quality to save a few bucks either.