Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Glad things are working out.


HArd to say. I'm an older guy too (52) and leaned towards vinyl as well until I went with a NEtwork Music Player (first Roku SOundbridge, now Squeezebox TOuch) + music server. Now I spend most of my time with the Touch/music server.

I still have a lot of records that I would love to listen to if I had the time to muck with records but I have a huge backlog of things to listen to on my music server alone that will take me a long time to get through, so I only on occasion spin the vinyl when I get the urge.

I do tend to lean towards the vinyl for older vintage recordings and classical music in general but I also listen to a lot of newer stuff these days so that makes a difference.
Is anyone using their MWT's (or other ohm) in a 5.1 set up?
Im liking them so much im going to order a center from Ohm. If so, what are you using as surrounds?

I ask because my family room came pre-wired with in ceiling back surrounds and OHM does not make in wall stuff. Wifey has nixed the OHM on wall so i was curious about timbre matching with the previously installed surrounds.
Kbuzz, are you currently using the two Ohms as your left and right channels? I ask because as I just mentioned above, I have a 2-channel setup at the moment with the Ohms, but for tv/movies I'm getting a really jarring and unpleasant experience. The dialogue does not seem to come from the TV and I'm very aware of the sound coming from either side of the TV.
RBF- yes i am. And i agree that it is not the ideal setup-but i think this about most stereo for tv listening. The dialog spread you are hearing, is imho sort of the down side to what is great about the ohms for music-namely the imaging and all over room sound.

This is why i want to buy a center channel from ohm to lock down that part of the viewing experience.

I use my 100S3s in my two channel a/v system for A/V.

Speaker position is key to get a clean center channel image with 2 OHM mains in lieu of an actual center channel speaker. The speakers may need to be closer together and/or further out from the wall. Other items/obstacles nearby may have an effect on the reflected sound including a the tv in between. It all depends. More description/pictures of your setup would make it easier to help troubleshoot.