Twist the cartridge phono cable

I saw a person who twisted ~ 1 cm, the phono cable, before pluging them into the cartridge.  He said to eliminate RF parasits.  Is it better to do so ?

He might have been referring to the dreaded Robarts Frambular parasites that can accumulate near RCA plugs.  These nanocytes are mostly composed of multi-spin Quantum electrons that exist simultaneously near the connectors and in inside the sending component.  They require the presence of Qbits but are very destructive to audio musical signals.  Though twisting the RCA connector can SEEM to fix the problem, the only real solution is much more complicated and costly.  

The only know solution to fully rid a system of Robarts Frambular parasites is to carefully treat the electronic components using cryogenically treated Quantum Fracular Vacuum.  This special vacuum is mined in tropical eastern Lau Lau Mau in the Gilligan Islands group, in deep wells that are totally absent of any Quantum Qbits.  There are problems with these deep mines due to mine implosions.  But I have personally recovered 26 gallons of special cryogenically treated liquified vacuum.  It has been tested and certified to be fully Qbit free.  I can treat your valued components for the special Analog Forum reduced price of $12,000 each.  I'll even cover domestic shipping if prepayment is received for more than five components.  

And don’t forget to top the whole treatment off with a liberal dose of Windex. Sprayed in a vacuum of course. 
I'm always amazed by some people's eagerness to heap scorn on new ideas. It doesn't always lead to the fates of Giordano Bruno or Galileo, nor am I suggesting the unnamed wire-twister is their equal, but it's the same impulse and not unique to our cynical times... especially in the Sanctums of Audiophilia.

So the explanation (RF parasits [sic]) may be absurd, but maybe it sounds better for other reasons. Has anyone tried it? Just of out of curiosity or an inquiring mind? Or are opinions superior to knowing?