tgraber2 - i dont want to sound like a "format fetishist" proclaiming the value of the recorder at its top capability - good sound depends on a lot more than the format, like your write.
I have been wondering, should I use the DA3000 only as a recorder, and get another / better DAC. Not as simple as it seems, however. The DA3000 plays DSD raw / native, while external DACs are less reliable, may introduce noise, not to speak of down conversion (DoP) etc. Although the use of the DA3000 in dual roles - switching between playback DAC and recorder - is inconvenient - and the playback user interface is restricted, no remote control, etc.
I have been wondering, should I use the DA3000 only as a recorder, and get another / better DAC. Not as simple as it seems, however. The DA3000 plays DSD raw / native, while external DACs are less reliable, may introduce noise, not to speak of down conversion (DoP) etc. Although the use of the DA3000 in dual roles - switching between playback DAC and recorder - is inconvenient - and the playback user interface is restricted, no remote control, etc.