Bond, I agree with you, I tend to like a bit of "liveliness" versus more damped with my Ohm's. But like most things, it is all up to the listener's ears.
One thing you might try just for a quick and easy sanity check with regards to your TV screen in between your Ohm's, grab a light blanket or something similar and toss it over the screen, this can give you a quick feel as to how things might be affecting your staging/sound quality.
Rbf-Like most have commented on here, experimentation is the key to setup success. Hang in there and have patience, you will get there! Tim
One thing you might try just for a quick and easy sanity check with regards to your TV screen in between your Ohm's, grab a light blanket or something similar and toss it over the screen, this can give you a quick feel as to how things might be affecting your staging/sound quality.
Rbf-Like most have commented on here, experimentation is the key to setup success. Hang in there and have patience, you will get there! Tim