Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?


I'm using my Mytek Brooklyn DAC as a pre for music and TV. It is fabulous sounding but I really would like to have 5.1 channel surround, and a single remote! 

Is there an affordable processor (used OK) that has at least as good 2 channel performance? Emotiva is right out. I owned one, and it sounded thin as paper. I note that there are a lot of Krell processors for sale at reasonable prices. 


What about the NAD m17v2?  Where would that stack up in this bunch? I have heard that NAD as great sound for music, and now comes with Dirac Live for HT...  I don't know if this is in the same league, but I would think it would be very competitive.
I like the M17 V2 technically, but from a sound quality / music no one is rooting for them.
"I like the M17 V2 technically, but from a sound quality / music no one is rooting for them."

@erik_squires ,

Not disputing but curious, why is that?

I have been using an NAD T175HD pre/pro for close to 6 years and have been very impressed with it's musical prowess.  I am sure Anthem, Onkyo/Integra, and a few others would be a bit "better" for HT because they may be more analytical, which I prefer for HT, and more modern feature laden, but my NAD does a lot right for music.

I think Eric is really saying that nobody has really come out on this thread and stated "I love my NAD processor" or "NAD processor is great because...". I have noted that NAD will tend to be on the warm side and it’s entirely a personal preference. I just went through some new amplifier changes for my home theater and have determined for myself that a warm sound just loses all the impact that HT and movies would portray. While warm would be good for music, it is just not exciting enough for movies and HT.