What improvements did you hear in going from entry level to high end Audio?

I heard more detail. Better transparency and detail 
Mahler you get a lot of stuff.  Some really good stuff in your two channel system. I have Gato FM6 speakers, Kr Audio va900 intergrated amplifier. Resonessence Mirus pro Dac,Sony modwright 5400 Es CD player, Melco n1a server.  Rel 212se subwoofer in my two channel.  Then a pioneer receiver with def tech 7.1 in bedroom oppo 103. With martin Logan sub. The things that I hear now that i didn’t hear with the cheaper system I had 10 years ago.  I heard more transparency, better inner detail, better treble decay, more open midrange, better soundstage, blacker background and better dynamics with my current system. I just hear more of everything.  I probably spent too much that’s why I’m stooping now. I have great sound I’m just searching for the best music and recordings I can find and enjoy.  I have kind of been spoiled. I had access to a lot of higher priced gear on loan. Stuff that was 10 and 20k per item and I got long demos with it.  I also had a great group of Audio nut friends that played in the high end so I got to hear some great system. I’m in a good place now. I’m gonna stay with what I have for a while.
To m e it all depends on "whose" high end audio you're referring to.  Not all "high end" audio manufacturers float my boat.  But when I do hear differences they usually begin with tone, especially the piano.  Once that is right to my ears, other things fall into place.  Soundstage, dimension, separation of vocals, instruments, detail, macro to micro to macro passages, bass detail and definition, more floating of the sound, decay of notes, large scale orchestration layers with dimension, etc.

Happy Listening.
I must admit some of the high end stuff is not that good that’s why you have to do your research. I don’t buy high end unless I can hear and know it’s probably going to match. I don’t buy sight unseen or unheard. 
Learning how to listen, comparing what I'm hearing to my perceived idea of realism, and finally does the music on a better system take me to a place of emotional catharsis, or is something distracting me from all of that? I used to listen to Love over Gold on an old pair of Kan 2s for hours, it was like a mini vacation for me. Current Tukans are close. Trial pair of Uber hyped A2.4s distracted me from the music, hollow dips, didn't engage me. Music is my drug these days.