Hi Uberwaltz
If you look at TuneLand you don't see trolling, anywhere. That's because there is a common spirit of putting music, the history of music, people's systems and experiences first. For other forums removing trolling isn't that hard and once a few of the obvious trolls are banned it doesn't take long for the more mature posters to start putting the disobedient ones in their places.
On these forums, behind the scenes, there is a place called permissions. In that place you can assign where a person can go or not. Folks who get out of line can have their permissions limited. It would be actually easier to have the mods give permissions than having to make report judgement calls. As it is right now, the mods are listening to several sides of an issue with each making their case and the mod has to decide who to delete or not delete. Some forums have mods who come up and say "be nice now", then issue a warning, then ban. On a forum like this I would have levels of mods. One would be a peer mod. There are several members on here who would make excellent peer mods, you usually find them in the music section. These are guys who put listening to music above any of the other issues, and almost always are encouraging others regardless of their systems.
You can also divide things up. The greet and meet section is a place where folks can work out their getting to know each other issues. A lot of times on here folks don't get along only because they don't know each other. A greet and meet forum would be a place where you post your own system (with pictures) and give background.
Then you have the debate forum. This is where you go to discuss topics and give your point of view. The way I would monitor these threads is easy. You must give your name and profession. If someone has a strong opinion they should be showing who they are.
You then have your industry forums. Those get monitored by the industry members themselves. The industry member moderating the forum pays a monthly fee of $30.00-$50.00 to Audiogon for this right. These threads should have words and pictures.
The main thing here is to make an Audiogon community.
Michael Green