Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Good to see you here today. Thank You for the continued insight and speaking points on all things power amps.  Looking forward in reading more about your amp auditions.  Happy Listening!

looking forward to your report of the Parasound JC5. I will second the Bryston 4B-SST2 power amp.  Happy Listening!
My audio journey continued part 2...

I pulled the trigger on the 2.4s. About 15 minutes from me, who would have thought in a Rochester , NY suburb? Turns out the oak finish looks great in my great room. Probably not the final location tho'
Then i immediately ordered the outrigger stands and the boutique caps  for them from Rob Gillum. The stands really anchor the speaks to the hardwoods plus they look fantastic, there is nothing like superior aftermarket products made by artisans.
Haven't had the time to install the caps but soon!!
I found a local CL Adcom 545 GFA II for good price while i researched what amplification to use. Immediate gratification got the best of me.

The Adcom was disappointing tho'. Really bright with loss of definition with complex sounds like high hat/cymbals/triangle. Kind of congested too. Bass not  too bad to just not focused ,detailed, or deep. I became worried about buying a  power amp that would worsen the brightness since the Adcom was so harsh.
That fear drove me to look at tubes  and tube-like solid state. But Rob Gillum uses a Bryston in his chain. Another adviser had said Brystons are very bright amps. But tube like power amps (Classe or Pass) were out of the 2-3k range.
That conflict was resolved when I found a  Bryston B4 SST^2  on audiogon.
Bought it, got it, set it up,  one channel dead. Back to Bryston US.
Fixed by resetting circuit board, no charge. A great company.

The Meat:    WOW!
Easy to describe difference. Highs nicely balanced, not bright.
Soundstage deep now and just as wide. Every instrument and voice has a precise place now.The soundstage developed  layers front to back. Detailed detailed detailed sound, just wonderful. There is just so much air in front of me!
Bass is just ,,, i guess the current word used now is controlled.  not really extended but now the bass drum is effortlessly presented with no sense of strain or limit, it is clearly  separated from the bass guitar now.

That's it for now. Proceed CDP, Bryston SST2, Thiel 2.4. Getting there!
i'll letcha know what other stuff iI find.


Great read Dave! The 2.4's are truly very special speakers and they are a bit picky with amps and setup. Once you have them dialed in, you are rewarded many times over though.

Another addition to the 2.4's which I'm just scratching the surface on right is is the addition of a Thiel SmartSub. I'm using a Thiel Integrator and crossing the speakers at 50Hz to a SS2. The improvement (of the 2.4's!) was just remarkable. It took everything to another level. I think I can live happily with these speakers for as long as I can make them run (or rather, as long as Rob Gillum has parts for them!)

Let me know how the new caps workout for you. I've been contemplating doing exactly the same upgrade to my 2.4's.


Great story and it's wonderful to read how happy you are with the 2.4s.