All Quiet on the Oppo front?

Many Oppo fans were talking about getting their pre-ordered UDP-205's a month ago, but no new posts as to current status. I haven't heard a word. I kinda thought there would be a July release, but apparently not.

Anybody receive any news from Oppo in the past month? 
I received my email Wed the 19th and it shipped yesterday.  Should have it in my hands Wed 26th.
The resale will be maddening on these things.  I may hold on to mine for while since there's not much in the $1300 range that you can buy that does all the things the 205 does.  Now, I just hope it does all those things well.....
Oppo will post a notice on their website page about the ‘205 player once they have sold out of product. 
I gave up on getting one after my contact person at Best Buy said they were not able to get anymore. I had waited several months, put down a deposit, but came up empty. Now I'm reading these posts, and they're still shipping?? As of now, does anymore know if the unobtainable Oppo is actually obtainable??

I hope I'm not wasting my time, but I'll try again.
Sorry to tell you but yes you will be wasting your time at this stage.
People who put their names down on the OPPO list from April and early May are getting the last of the stock.
People after that are not going to be in luck I am afraid.
I believe the list closed quite some time ago so not going to be able to even see how far back you would be.
I listed in late May and was told very recently by OPPO that there were approx. 5000 people ahead of me still so not likely at all I would be seeing one.

Good luck
jonasandezekiel  asked..."As of now, does anymore know if the unobtainable Oppo is actually obtainable??"

Sure you can get them. If your willing to get totally gouged in the process...