Well, they need to correct all their literature, both the product sheet and the user's manual. In addition, they need to stop telling us otherwise at press events.
Frankly, it is in stark contrast to the original product introductions in which the 2500 was presented as a "transport" for the HD codecs and, consequently, as a less expensive alternative to the 3800 for those who had a processor capable of handling the bitstream.
So, from your message, Kennyt, I take it that you, like me, have never actually tried it. I'd love to hear it from someone who has.
Frankly, it is in stark contrast to the original product introductions in which the 2500 was presented as a "transport" for the HD codecs and, consequently, as a less expensive alternative to the 3800 for those who had a processor capable of handling the bitstream.
So, from your message, Kennyt, I take it that you, like me, have never actually tried it. I'd love to hear it from someone who has.