Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Peter .. seriously gorgeous. Seems you have taken your Ohms to another level, quite literally.
Regarding the OEM source of the amp modules in D-Sonics amps, if you read the 6Moons review, you'll see that Dennis ain't talkin'. IMHO, that's his prerogative. It's all about the sound. If the amp sounds good, what difference does it make, really, which amp modules he is using? FWIW, my McIntosh C220 works swell with my 10K ohm input resistance Odyssey Audio SS amp, even with 20' RCA runs and the Vandersteen outboard HP filters. No HF roll off that I can hear.

Peterr53: Thanks for the post. Fascinating. FWIW, my Walsh 2000s have no issue with image hieght. In most cases, the image reaches my 6' ceiling. I had Sound Ancors custom make solid, adjustable three-point spiked, cradle bases for my 2000s for around $325/pr. A real step up in imaging and transient detail.
If you click several times on the open case D-Sonic M2 600 mono thumbnail, the print on the circuit clearly says Abletec Engineering. http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?142204-d-Sonic-M2-600M-monoblocks-amp-Pics.
Bondmanp, I look up the output impedance for your McIntosh C220, it's 250 ohm, so yes, no problem going into a 10Kohm input impedance amp.
YEs, those pics have come up on another thread about M-Sonic.

ITs still not clear if that is what is being used by M-Sonic currently or not though.

Only the vendor or a customer who has purchased recently would be able to say for sure.

It really would be nice if the vendor would disclose what is used. Without that, they could change at any time for any reason and nobody would know in advance if they will not even answer the question when asked.