DJones..thanks for that tip...I would have to make sure that unit has had a transport seems all the VK-d5's suffer from that ailment(this would be the 2nd for mine)..Audiogenr./.understood that you are a matter..kindred spirit at any rate..2leftears:Years ago I auditioned a Bryston in my system..I didn't care for it at all...seemed harsh to my ears...
but yes...I really just want redbook Cd listening...I have an emotional attachment to my extensive classical music cd collection..Just based on reviews it seemed these simaudio players might be something I would like..but now I see that this transport/Dac is the norm..and there seem to be few CD Players produced..I see Naim has a current CD player..
I'm in a quandry.I have no objection to buying used...all my gear has always been..but I also don't want to buy anything too old...
My main objective ,as Nekoaudio said, is the sound that I love from my BAT..Something different would be fun but I really love being in love..