Any Famous people on Audiogon ?

Off the subject a bit, a little humor. I am just curious if any celebrities
or famous people are using Audiogon. I know FABIO is into Hi-end audio, plus he had Martin Sayers of Martin Logan & Dan D'gastino of Krell on his little Bio program on the E network.
I am not famous, and just curious.
One would love to spend more time on here, but I am mostly to busy flying helicopters for personal reasons courtesy of the British tax paying public. Bless them all!
Tally Ho!!!!!
Prince Andrew, Duke of York.......

It’s known that Tom Cruze is into hi-end audio. He’s also talked about it on The Tonight Show and even got Jimmy Falon into it...but I doubt they buy used or need a coumity to talk with for advice. I think it’s safe to bet that any famous celebrity will have a very dedicated dealer.