Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
So these people that claim power cords make no difference because of scientific therories. Well science only knows a small part of what there is to know. They can't explain ball lightening!!!!! That's Just in the electricity realm. If it can't be explained it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Romex is solid core house wiring. Doesn't it  make sense to have a solid core power cord(after market multi strand) to finish the connection? I've heard the same positive effects of after market power cords that others have heard. How about metal whiskering? Scientist don't understand the mechanics of it and it has caused equipment failures. When metal is stressed, projections have been observed. Could that be the reason why sometimes when you bend or stress a cable it sounds different!! Cryonics is another where scientists don't know the full reason why electron emission increases in the absence of light. I got these off Wikipedia unsolved problems in physics. There is around 50 listed. 
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And then I thought, the exact same wire I was using is still in the extensions. So WHY is that not making the later wire the same as it is on it’s own???

Anyway, I do not have the answer.
However it IS a project anyone could do. make a PC out of the same sort of wire in the wall Romex, whatever. See how it sounds? Then remake the PC with your own audiophile wire. And see if/how it changes.
Romex is very high performance but is illegal and dangerous for use as a power cord. That is why all power cords are flexible wire. The other requirements for a good power cord were outlined on the first page of this thread.
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@ pawlowski6132, you asked for specifics, here goes. I've installed a PS Audio BHK Stereo 250 amp recently and have been working to get the tonal balance of the system fine tuned to my liking. I had few power cords to try, none terribly expensive; Mojo Audio copper ribbon, Wireworld Eclipse, DIY Furutech FP-S032N, & DH Labs Red Wave. All made subtle changes but all were slightly off, either too much sibilance on closely miked recordings accompanied by a bit of tonal dryness or a lack of liveliness if they didn't accentuate upper registers too much.

This illustrates what I wanted - I was recently listening to a live performance of a small Baroque ensemble and when the period Oboe was played with gusto, it blatted, squawked, and sounded harsh but yet it didn't make you recoil like a harsh recording can. When the soprano let lose with a fortissimo passage, that was also harsh but it didn't make you recoil like you might when listening to recording playback. 

When I installed one of PS Audio's AC12 power cords on the amp, the amp hit its stride and was much better balanced (within the limitations of the recording.) Bass and treble were in balance without exaggeration, and there was far less tendency for previously excessively sibilant recordings  to sound too harsh. Harsh musical elements sound harsh but without as much glare as was evident previously. 

Admittedly, the differences in power cords are fairly subtle and I can understand how some would consider the costs to be out of proportion to the benefit.