Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

mitch2 brought up a good point.  I always thought for the last 20 years that my system was good enough until I added in a new component.  My system now is much better than it was 10years ago, but I still got a long way to go.  When does progress stops?  For example, if someone has a $100K system, can it be better?  How many $100K speakers are there to purchase?  Or $100K amp?  

I still think there are a lot of things that can be done at the recording end such as better audio format, better mixing.  How about coming up with  stereo recordings with surround sound format?  

I knew better not trying to respond to geoffkait directly because you never know when he will turn on you :-)
fortunately all we have to do is burn in our cords and equipment, change some directions, and see if it matters to us...all free,  all easy...maybe even fun for some
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Does anyone have a link, or some sort of closely-associated material, where quoted 1937 experiment by Mr. Young could be read about? Google brings mostly this Mr. Feynman's speech, but no actual experiment documentation.