Although my wife liked all the Harbeths she heard, I can appreciate their sound but would not own them. My old Legacy Focus have superior dynamic range, bass, highs coupled with a more neutral sound. The vonSchweikert and Lumenwhite speakers are even more neutral. The Magico speakers (I haven't heard the A3) are extremely neutral but that is not the problem when I've heard them which I mentioned previously.
As for the WIlson's, the smaller ones sounded very nice and the newer models are their best sounding. Older Wilson's=worse sound, especially their Max speakers of 20 to 30 years ago.
The other point I made was that I prefer efficient rather than inefficient speakers. jones4music points out that the Magicos and Wilsons sound best with huge monoblocks. That's not what I want to use to drive speakers. I have 125w. tube monoblocks. I've heard Wilsons with huge VTL and Magicos with huge Solution monoblocks. So what? I still didn't like the sound. Yes, maybe they are too neutral for me. The sound did not move me as much as a cheaper 40.2 Harbeth with it's highly colored and less resolving sound (I prefer the Volti horn speakers to Harbeths for nearly half the price).
I'm glad you enjoy the Magico and Wilson speakers. They don't meet my requirements.
As for the WIlson's, the smaller ones sounded very nice and the newer models are their best sounding. Older Wilson's=worse sound, especially their Max speakers of 20 to 30 years ago.
The other point I made was that I prefer efficient rather than inefficient speakers. jones4music points out that the Magicos and Wilsons sound best with huge monoblocks. That's not what I want to use to drive speakers. I have 125w. tube monoblocks. I've heard Wilsons with huge VTL and Magicos with huge Solution monoblocks. So what? I still didn't like the sound. Yes, maybe they are too neutral for me. The sound did not move me as much as a cheaper 40.2 Harbeth with it's highly colored and less resolving sound (I prefer the Volti horn speakers to Harbeths for nearly half the price).
I'm glad you enjoy the Magico and Wilson speakers. They don't meet my requirements.