Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
I was reading "News and Views" on Ohm's website and found this excerpt particularly interesting:

"Today there are hundreds of special speaker wires available; some costing thousands of dollars. Which is best and which is the best value? Two interesting questions.

Based on the fact that there can be an almost “magical” synergy between speaker and wire, I really cannot tell you what is best unless I have had a chance to listen to (and test) your speakers. I can tell you that with most Ohms, 12-gauge wire (if less than 30 feet long) is what we recommend. We do our development with this wire and believe you will not hear an improvement with any other. You may hear a difference; but it is not the way we designed the speakers to sound. Of course, if there is a difference, the difference maybe compensating for a room/speaker interaction problem. It is sort of like two problems canceling each other out."

Seems John and company don't exactly advocate the need for expensive cables .. at least that is how it reads to me. Thoughts?

"Seems John and company don't exactly advocate the need for expensive cables .. at least that is how it reads to me. Thoughts?"

Yes, and I tend to agree.

I've had one pair of OHMs on high quality Audioquest CV6 wires, and my F5s connect in an advacent room using decent quality commercial grade wiring I had put through the walls when the house was built.

I would say these do not sound the same but I could not make a judgement that one sounds better than the other necessarily. I have things set up in both rooms for quite excellent results. Different, yes. Better? Debatable.

I have experimented more with various analog ICs and hear big differences there, but still hard to say one inherently better than the other. Two different flavors perhaps, with of which might work best in any one's case.
I use Transparent super wave plus. I've tried kimber 8tc and Tara labs . The transparent has the best synergy. Full bodied and holographic. More of an upgrade than my adcom to bryston preamp. More of an upgrade than a Benz s to an ortophon Cadenza bronze. Some say they stay away from cables with any black boxes but these are the best I've had.
"I have experimented more with various analog ICs and hear big differences there, but still hard to say one inherently better than the other. Two different flavors perhaps, with of which might work best in any one's case."

Same here Mapman. As usual it's about preference for the most part.

As is happens (perhaps why the article caught my interest) I'm using the silly-affordable Blue Jeans 12-White speaker cables with my Talls right now with great results.
I've recently added $200-$300 Pangea ac14SE power cords to my mhdt DACS in both systems, first one and later the other recently.

These are designed for use with line level components to help with noise/distortion. IT's been a nice addition in both cases, and seems to work as designed based on what I hear.

These were on sale recently, so I paid <$100 for each. Definitely worth that! Nice product that seems to work as designed and very high quality build to boot.

No downside to power tweaks if done right for the right reasons, I think. Its more a matter of how much difference case by case, but I think noise with digital gear in particular is a problem worth tackling.

I do not pay much attention to speaker wire. The only sure thing like John says is to not use to high a gauge (thinner wires). The rest is all synergy. Lots of more certain and cost effective ways to accomplish that!

I do pay more attention to ICs, but again its mostly about synergy there as well and it does not have to cost much to accomplish.

John/OHM is and thinks like an engineer and is all about good sound, value and service only it seems. COuld care less about a lot of the noise one encounters in high end audio. Smart guy! HE makes his products accessible to the masses, rather than try to glorify them and cater to the high end audio market, which may always have a foothold but overall is probably going nowhere long term.

John's approach is but one reason I stay loyal to the OHM brand.