Well, Tomic601, if you and Richard have airplanes, and I do choose Vandersteens, you two might as well fly on out to Roanoke and help set up my speakers.
By the way, and nothing to do with anything, the Beach Boys "Surfin USA" was the first album I ever owned. My mother had won a $35.00 gift certificate at a local record store. My sister got "Meet the Beatles" the same day.. Our first stereo was a piece of luggage that had the turntable in the bottom half when you opened it, and stereo speakers in the top half. It was low, as opposed to hi-fidelity, but completely enjoyable at age twelve and started me down this path. Take it easy and enjoy the surf.
By the way, and nothing to do with anything, the Beach Boys "Surfin USA" was the first album I ever owned. My mother had won a $35.00 gift certificate at a local record store. My sister got "Meet the Beatles" the same day.. Our first stereo was a piece of luggage that had the turntable in the bottom half when you opened it, and stereo speakers in the top half. It was low, as opposed to hi-fidelity, but completely enjoyable at age twelve and started me down this path. Take it easy and enjoy the surf.