For those of us over 60..

What band's output would you say best describes you/your life as you see it?

For me, Allman Brothers
I'm 67, but besides the Beatles, I can't choose other musicians as favorites since I like most of them. In fact, I like all kinds of music, except Rap. Can't get into that at all...
The Allman Brothers Band! The Outlaws and Skynyrd are right up there with the ABB. Honorable Mentions to Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, The Beatles and The Stones. Love so many more from the classic rock genre!
Beatles, Joni, Dylan, Steely Dan, Jackson Browne, Mozart, Beethoven, Dvorak...Butterfield, The Band, Al Kooper, etc, etc, etc...68...
Grateful Dead, Who, Genesis/Gabriel, Glen Gould Goldberg 1955 and 1982, Mahler 1, Bach Unaccompanied Cello Suites/Yo-Yo Ma, and last but not least, Bowie.  So many others but these are the ones that most affected me and have been most regularly enjoyed since my first encounters.  63