No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 


First show me your "optimum" speaker, source, amplification, etc.

The premise of the post is fallacious. :(

Anyone with experience knows that what you are asking for is not relevant to achieving the most pleasing sound with an audio system. Go ahead, procure measurements; they will bear little relation to whether you actually prefer the sound of a particular speaker cable. YMMV

BTW, leaving other cables out of the discussion ruins the entire endeavor. You cannot properly tune an audio system by placing focus only on the speaker cables. You may as well guess at it.  :)

Why would I get lost over and over agin, waist my time and money, rather that use a GPS nav device or a map, and get there first time on spot?
For the un of it...
As for the optimum, as I assume you already own an amplifier and a set of speakers, they are given. so is placment that requires the length.
You may never know if your preference is right, till you get to hear the optimum (the one) and compar.
Other cables: if I use XLR's and an ordinary catle power cord, I'm good. 
It won't get any better than that.
On top, it dosn't alter my opening line:
No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

What you say, when I'll here it, I'll know it is. Till than, just going in circles, spending money and enjoy the journy. Hope you are not on the same page on other subjects, as health.
Hmmm, I thought it was calculate, but see your point.  Always glad to see your posts, BTW.