Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?

I realise that the music industry seems to care less and less about timbre, see

But for me, without timbre music reproduction can be compared to food which lacks flavour or a modern movie with washed out colours. Occasionally interesting, but rarely engaging.

So my question is, what are your loudspeaker candidates if you are looking for a 'Technicolor' sound?

I know many use tube amps solely for this aim, but perhaps they are a subject deserving an entirely separate discussion.
Having owned Adagios, they are a great speaker, but based upon a long history listening to them, I think that transmission lines mated to mid-woofers tend to have rather bloated, "blubbery" bass at the break-up frequency, right around 45 hz or so. It is easily overlooked, but once you recognize the sound, it is hard to completely ignore. My Devore O/93's don't disappear in the room as well as the Adagios, but they don't break up in the low bass. They are solid as a rock. Not that they go down to 20hz or shake the rafters but they stay true to form with taut bass. There is no discernible "flub". Having a 10" paper woofer from SEAS in a tuned, rear ported cabinet IMO most likely accounts for the difference. I used aftermarket outriggers with deep piercing brass spikes with the Adagios which ameliorated the problem but did not eliminate it. I spent untold hours getting the positioning just right with the Adagios. With the Devores, all you need to do is place them with their integral little wood block feet and play around for maybe an hour with positioning and the sound is glorious. At least in my room with my gear. 
Should they be a matter of taste?

Fact is they are.
Even if you take taste out of the equation, there is still the listening room variable. No two rooms are the same either and teh room largely determines what you hear with any particular speaker design.

LEt’s not even get into how differently the "best" speaker measured might sound off various amps. Speakers make no sound alone. It’s a team sport.

So one can say you want the most accurate speakers in theory and I would even agree but in practice that alone does not determine which one will choose or even work best in each particular case. So there you go.

@prof wrote: "But when I auditioned [the DeVore O/96] several times against a bunch of more "neutral" speakers, sure some of the defects were likely there in the mix, but not remotely to the overriding audibility the nay-sayers make you fear, and to my ears they were doing SOMETHING really wonderful that most of the other speakers weren’t. (A certain combination of organic tone and body to the sound)."

Excellent description of "what matters most". While the specifics of "what matters most" may change from one listener to another (and from one designer to another), imo you nailed the essence, which is these two things:

1. A speaker must do SOMETHING so well you can get lost in the music. That something can be timbre, imaging, coherence, slam, PRAT, low-level detail, whatever. But it must do something wonderful.

That’s the easy part.

2. The HARD PART is, the speaker must not also do something so poorly as to ruin the magic and collapse the illusion that its "something wonderful" just created. There are more things that can go wrong than I can begin to list.

Apparently the DeVore O/96’s indeed do their something wonderful and then don’t turn around and do something so poorly as to destroy the illusion. Imo that’s the magic formula, and it’s much easier said than done. Kudos to John DeVore.

As for "accuracy", one of the worst-sounding prototypes I ever made was the one with the flattest response. As I tweaked the design closer and closer to flat, it sounded worse and worse. I pressed on, having faith that the heavens would open once I had achieved flatness. Nope. These days my target curve for home audio slopes gently downward as we go up in frequency, so I guess I don't even try to build objectively "accurate" speakers.


My wife insisted on removing the large electrostats from my systems and replace them with speakers with bass and dynamics. For me, I required a speaker that sounded good off-axis, basically good along a 10 foot wide sofa, 13’ from the center between the speakers.

Some have commented on how wonderful the inexpensive Tekton speakers are. They maybe but they are reportedly aimed for on-axis performance, like giant headphones.  These would not meet my 10 foot wide good sound criteria.  Neither do original Quad speakers to those who have heard them.

I also desired a speaker which is easy to drive but can handle moderately high power as well (play quietly and loudly). Once one increases the demands on the speaker measured facilities (bass, dynamics, efficiency, wide seating area), then one has to select other criteria which makes it musical such as timbre, imaging, coherence, slam, PRAT, low-level detail. So, I have limited myself as far as speaker choices which is a good thing because there are so many fine speakers made today to choose from.


Forgive me because I'm sure you've mentioned the speakers you own before but...which ones do you own now?

(A couple speakers off the top of my head that do particularly well over a wide listening area would be: Audio Physic, Joseph Audio)