Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

o| O O |o
  \ . ^ . /

I was being serious in a jokey way, you seem to knowledgeable  about speakers, cones, crossovers from your posts etc.
It certainly might be a time consuming challenge for you.
My Nagaoka BLH with a single Fostex Sigma 168EZ? 6" cone image quite well.
Another horn thread.
I’m looking for something that hasn’t been said before.

You seem new here... 

He is. I think every possible subject regarding hi-fi has come up already in the past decade or two.....Welcome wcfeil!
My Klipschorns are set in two corners approx 13' apart room length 17'.  They seem to Image just fine to me. Then again, what do i know?