I have yet to find a track that digital does not "get right". It all depends on the software, equipment and cables used. I am talking about a track that sounds better on a good vinyl system or reel-to-reel compared to good digital. Not heard one yet. The digital is at least as good and usually better, more dynamic and extended top and bottom.
I recently discovered that I had 24/44.1 tracks of most of the Beatles albums. Sound amazing. I also have "let it Bleed" from the Stones in 24/176.4. Wonderful sounding. Some of the recordings of the 70’s are a bit lacking in bass and dynamics because they were transferred to CD at too low a level. These include some of Carly Simon, Carol King and others. Remasters sometimes solve this, as in the Beatles 24/44.1 tracks.
Steve N
Empirical Audio