Horns: Why don't they image well?

Anyone have a theory?

o| O O |o
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Need big enough room, and enough space from the horns for the waves to disperse proper.

Bit late now, I already have them.lol.
Of course they can go ear bleeding loud if one desires, of which I do not do. My level is always  (mostly) a sedate listening level, after all don't want the kitties to do 'a runner' do we? 
How large a room would you say is adequate for the Klipschorns?
Anyone else think my room is not large enough?
Your room is on the very edge of what i would consider large enough.

My room is 15.5 x 26 and I have them on the short wall. Imaging is as good as speakers up to the 15k price point that have graced this room. Extremely happy!

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