Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

One can’t help wondering why in the world anyone would pursue this issue so strenuously, so verbosely, so relentlessly. What can be the motivation for being so long winded, so argumentative? To show off philosophy skills? To show off writing skills? To prove that he’s a real skeptic? To prove he too smart to be fooled by audiophile tricks? Or too smart to be fooled by unscupulous and lying high end cable manufacturers? Or to be taken in by a conspiracy of true believers, money hungry manufacturers and deluded audiophiles who drank the Jim Jones Kool Aide. I’m serious. What drives these people? What a waste of time.
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geoffkait: One can’t help wondering why in the world anyone would pursue this issue so strenuously, so verbosely, so relentlessly.


I’m serious. What drives these people? What a waste of time.

Says the guy with 11,776 posts ;-)

Many of them trolling and insulting people on the forum.

If we are going to wonder about motivations, geoffkait would seem the place to start. 
(Though, admittedly, the motivations aren't that hard to infer).

Maybe prof is a super rich guy who retires so he got a lot of time typing :-)  If he earns money like I do probably keeps it short.
It just bothers some people to see nonsensical claims put forth as if they are gospel. And other people like Geoffkait just like to troll and stir things up.
I think it’s settled. Profs explanations and points are very rational and make a ton of sense while GK and the rest are completely the opposite.