Hah! I didn’t know that about it being the first live recording at the VV. Thanks for that very interesting factoid, nap. With that knowledge in mind, I would put even more stock in the possibility that technical issues may have been the reason that not all of the music from the afternoon set was released. Afternoon set: very first time that a recording was attempted vs the evening sets for which they had had a “practice run”. Seems plausible to me. In answer to your question: Good list that I can’t argue with eventhough that, as usual, “best” gets a little complicated. A couple more that come to mind as contenders (favorites, anyway):
Stanley Turrentine “Up At Minton’s“
Sarah Vaughn “Live In Japan”
Monk/Coltrane “At Carnegie Hall”
Eric Dolphy “At The Five Spot”
Benny Goodman “Benny In Brussels”
Stanley Turrentine “Up At Minton’s“
Sarah Vaughn “Live In Japan”
Monk/Coltrane “At Carnegie Hall”
Eric Dolphy “At The Five Spot”
Benny Goodman “Benny In Brussels”