Will the Thiel CS2.4 fit in my car?

I will be picking up a pair of Thiel CS2.4 at UPS tomorrow.  Do you think they will fit in my car?I drive a small BMW 2004 3's coupe.  I hope I can fit on in the trunk and another one in frontof the passenger seat.
I live on the west coast where temperature is
very moderate so I guess that's why a lot more
people are driving smaller import cars. On the
east and midwest, I notice people drive a lot
more larger domestic cars. Is it because the wheather
condition is quite a bit harsher vs. the west coast.

a very nice summation on the size of a midrange driver and its overall effect on presentation, sound.   Happy Listening!
For future reference Menards and I think Home depot rent a full size truck for 18 bucks for 75 minutes.