Kinki EX M1 user comments

I’m really happy with the sound of my EX M1, and I’d like to encourage folks to post their comments as they join the user base. I started using mine around August 24, and though I was skeptical about just how good the sound would be, or that it would improve over time, I was wrong on both counts. 

Also, I hope folks will note engineering or other changes as they occur. So far, there is a gain switch and a ground jumper, and silver rather than black remotes versus the original.

Let’s start hearing from new users! 
Thanks @mikepowellaudio  First read comes across as quite contradictory. I'll take another read tomorrow morning.
Dawid is a seasoned reviewer and his personal integrated, the hybrid Triology 925 is among the best available and priced at around $17k. 
Sometimes things don't translate perfectly. I think that's why some may think at times it sounded like the reviewer had a complaint. But he didn't as he bought the Kinki without a second thought. All he did was to view it comparatively against the British gear, which naturally did a couple of things better, or equaled. 

Thanks for the link, Mike.

All the best,

I wanted the review to be not so great because this unit is tempting me and I have just purchased another.  Its funny though, I am a read between the lines kind of person and although I was reading the review really late last night, I came away thinking the reviewer considered the Kinki outstanding with just a little thinner bass than his reference.

Mind telling me what made you think otherwise? 

That about sums it up. The reviewer felt the British gear had the edge with a bit more authoritative base. That can all change with a different set of speakers or cabling.

I say that because my old Clear Wave Duet 6 monitors don't sound as good in the base with the Kinki when I use silver speaker cables, but is great with the copper cabling that I have. And, this all goes contrary to how it used to sound with my Marantz (good with copper but even better with silver). There are too many variables that aren't considered when the reviewer uses only one set up.

All the best,