Marantz 7007- amp not functioning

I have a marantz SR-7007 which is about four years old. Noticed that all functions work except I’m not getting any sound from any speaker.  Normally when you turn the unit on after a few seconds there is a noticeable “click” which I assume is some relay to the amplifier section.  Right now I don’t hear that click happening thus either something in the amp is fried or the signal to turn it on isn’t working. Again it turns on, switches inputs, hdmi pass through functions when off.  Just appears to be something with the amplifier section. Is there a standard process anyone can recommend to diagnose? I’ve yet to go through every single input and literally test everything and I’m going to try a power cycle tonight to see if that does anything but I have a sense it’s something with the amp.  
Ag insider logo xs@2xesthlos13
The repair of that unit will exceed the cost of that highly unreliable unit.
The better ones were built long time ago.
The protection circuit often fails at logical level that requires replacement of logical ICs and re-mapping software. LONG and PAINFUL process that will reach about $5...600 bill on repairs by street repair shop.
Just get a new replacement receiver. Not worth repairing it will cost too much to repair. Today modern AV receivers usually won't last for more than 5 or 7 yrs if you're lucky, especially with HDMI switching and new softwares and all.