Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Our senses are both objective and subjective depending on the breadth, depth,  of the matter at issue.  Good to see you.  Happy Listening!
Thank You for the technical, even physical nature, of cabling  within a scientific framework.  I consider your background and education pivotal here.  Hope you are well and enjoying the New York state Fall.
Happy Listening!
oblgny - wine serves as an instructive analogy. What layered appreciations are out there!
Last Monday I hosted a piano technicians workshop at my Northwind Designworks studio. I had prepared 4 samples of alternatively constructed piano bridge segments (reassessing sonic transmission from string to soundboard - how does that actually work?). One of the attendees tapped each of them and identified the 3 major components of the tonal response. Fundamental, augmented 4th, minor 6th. Next day, I verified the increments in my lab. Hmmm. Could I do that? No. Did it matter to me and the other learners? Yes. He had developed his analytical powers as a precision tool.

Over the years I recognized a critical element of understanding and learning. I learned to substitute the pronoun "I" for "you". Rather than saying "you can't hear that", I say "I can't hear that". That shift of the burden of proof makes a world of difference. Rather than challenging the other to believe my assessment, I am admitting my own limitation. The conversation can become quite rich with that change of position.  Cheers TT
This situation is what makes people watching in audio so amusing.  There is real ambiguity in that there are differences that can be heard but not easily measured.  There are also charlatans taking advantage of this by making BS claims and trying to make money off of them.  There is no getting around the fact that in order to possibly perceive new things you risk being fooled, fooling yourself, appearing stupid, etc.  It's inherently uncomfortable.  Nobody can try everything so you have to make judgement calls based on incomplete and/or false information.  It's very messy.