Last Monday I hosted a piano technicians workshop at my Northwind Designworks studio. I had prepared 4 samples of alternatively constructed piano bridge segments (reassessing sonic transmission from string to soundboard - how does that actually work?). One of the attendees tapped each of them and identified the 3 major components of the tonal response. Fundamental, augmented 4th, minor 6th. Next day, I verified the increments in my lab. Hmmm. Could I do that? No. Did it matter to me and the other learners? Yes. He had developed his analytical powers as a precision tool.
Over the years I recognized a critical element of understanding and learning. I learned to substitute the pronoun "I" for "you". Rather than saying "you can't hear that", I say "I can't hear that". That shift of the burden of proof makes a world of difference. Rather than challenging the other to believe my assessment, I am admitting my own limitation. The conversation can become quite rich with that change of position. Cheers TT