Green Mountain Audio Chroma HX

Hi, Folks,
Do any of you have any experience with the latest iteration of Roy Johnson's Green Mountain Audio Rio stand mount? He's upgraded the crossover and internal wiring, and it's now called the Chroma HX.
Any impressions?


Kenjit, when you ignore reasonable requests for relevant information that could undermine your position, it starts to look like you have an agenda (aside from your pattern of attacking Green Mountain Audio on this site, as shown by a glance at your posting history). 

Your analysis of the phase characteristics of the Chroma is completely incorrect, demonstrating that you are not qualified to critique the design from a technical standpoint.  (If anyone else is interested I can respond to kenjit's other "technical" criticisms.)

Speakers + amp + room = a system within a system, and blaming one without looking at the other two and how they interact is incomplete at best.  

You have gone well beyond "I didn't like these speakers".  You are clearly not qualified to critique them from a technical standpoint, you clearly have a agenda, and you are evidently averse to divulging information that would undermine your attacks on Green Mountain Audio. 


Actually yes I am averse because I know what your motive is for asking me about my room which is to then blame the room and discredit me.

You have to remember that the green mountain audio distributor brought the speakers over and set them up himself for a demo. 
He then stayed with me the whole time while I listened to them. He never mentioned anything about the room.
You also have to remember that I've had many other speakers in the same room. The problems with the room still did not prevent me from enjoying some of the sound.
I even took the speakers outdoors and tried another room. Neither changed the outcome. 

Kenjit said, "Actually yes I am averse because I know what your motive is for asking me about my room which is to then blame the room and discredit me."

I think you just discredited yourself yet again.

And how about the amp? Are you afraid to divulge that as well?

You disparage Green Mountain Audio while refusing to divulge information that could undermine your claims.

You have demonstrated that your "technical" analyses are incompetent.

You were dishonest in another thread when you said that Green Mountain Audio did not use measurements. There is no way you could have known something like that, so to make the claim as if you did know is dishonest. And your claim is also untrue.

This is not a court of law, but you have gone way beyond telling the truth (which is that you did not like the Chromas in your room with your amp). You have made statements that are not truthful, and here and now you are refusing to tell the whole truth.

When a witness has been shown to be dishonest in any of these ways, a jury may and often does disregard all of their testimony.

You do not need me to discredit you. 


As the original poster on this thread, I just want to comment that both Duke of Audiokinesis and Roy of Green Mountain Audio are among the good people of this industry.  I don’t currently own any of Roy’s speakers, but we have spoken on the phone at length on numerous occasions. I’ve never had the opportunity to hear any of Duke‘s creations, although we, too, have spoken on the phone a few times and I am impressed by his genuineness and desire to make a great product. Whether or not a speaker from either of these people floats your boat is a legitimate question, but in my experience, they are both  very clever, qualified designers who pour themselves into their work.