Well...trying to keep this related to Thiel...
Having recently completed a very extensive auditioning period of a long list of speakers from $6,000 to around $20,000 or more retail (some new, some used), virtually every single one of those speakers were hooked up to a wide variety of high priced speaker cables (including Nordost and other well regarded brands), attached to systems with expensive interconnects, expensive AC cables, power conditioners etc.
Somehow, despite all of those items that should have accumulated some impressive gains over my cheapo cabling, none of that seemed to give them much of a leg up on my system. In every case I found my system competitive (and usually better/preferable) in every way, whether it was detail, smoothness, organic quality, timbral nuances, imaging, you name it. My system did not seem hampered in any way at all.
So for me, I'm confident in where I have allocated my money and time - which is to the right speaker (and good room set up).
I love my Thiels!
(I don't plan on selling my Thiels, only augmenting my speaker collection as I love speakers).
Having recently completed a very extensive auditioning period of a long list of speakers from $6,000 to around $20,000 or more retail (some new, some used), virtually every single one of those speakers were hooked up to a wide variety of high priced speaker cables (including Nordost and other well regarded brands), attached to systems with expensive interconnects, expensive AC cables, power conditioners etc.
Somehow, despite all of those items that should have accumulated some impressive gains over my cheapo cabling, none of that seemed to give them much of a leg up on my system. In every case I found my system competitive (and usually better/preferable) in every way, whether it was detail, smoothness, organic quality, timbral nuances, imaging, you name it. My system did not seem hampered in any way at all.
So for me, I'm confident in where I have allocated my money and time - which is to the right speaker (and good room set up).
I love my Thiels!
(I don't plan on selling my Thiels, only augmenting my speaker collection as I love speakers).