jcarcopo , waltersalas and cal3713 for useful information.
I am happy with my Lansche Audio 4.1 speakers for 11 years now so it is very unlikely that I change my speakers.
I also had done room correction using Accuphase DG 28 for 15 years at 4 different houses, probably longer than anybody here.
So I fully appreciate the effect of room correction.
I had been happily using EMMLab Dac2 for 8 years which was one of the top Dac when I got it.
It may be time to upgrade it with recent barrage of good Dacs and progress of digital technology.
But I may go into simplifying system using 3400 forgoing lot of cables.
I had amassed more than 20 cables in my library just in case( cables are dependent your system and personal taste)
I may keep LM 508 even after getting 3400 so that I can feel mid range magic using pre out of 3400.
But I am more curious whether DAC section of 3400 is better than EMMLab Dac2.
Also I would like to compare room correction between 3400 and Accuphase DG 28.
I wish to get a chance for home audition of 3400 in my system to find out the answer to my questions.
Ultimately most important thing is whether I will be happy in terms of musical satisfaction with 3400 in my system.
jcarcopo , waltersalas and cal3713 for useful information.
I am happy with my Lansche Audio 4.1 speakers for 11 years now so it is very unlikely that I change my speakers.
I also had done room correction using Accuphase DG 28 for 15 years at 4 different houses, probably longer than anybody here.
So I fully appreciate the effect of room correction.
I had been happily using EMMLab Dac2 for 8 years which was one of the top Dac when I got it.
It may be time to upgrade it with recent barrage of good Dacs and progress of digital technology.
But I may go into simplifying system using 3400 forgoing lot of cables.
I had amassed more than 20 cables in my library just in case( cables are dependent your system and personal taste)
I may keep LM 508 even after getting 3400 so that I can feel mid range magic using pre out of 3400.
But I am more curious whether DAC section of 3400 is better than EMMLab Dac2.
Also I would like to compare room correction between 3400 and Accuphase DG 28.
I wish to get a chance for home audition of 3400 in my system to find out the answer to my questions.
Ultimately most important thing is whether I will be happy in terms of musical satisfaction with 3400 in my system.