Ieales, I hope the Luxman works out too. I really wish I had access to products I could demo in my home. But, I'm not anywhere near a big city now, so I have to rely on reviews and research as much as possible to make choices. I made the exception when looking at speakers, traveling up to Washington DC. It was a lot easier when I lived outside NYC.
I'd like to read your write up on power conditioning but couldn't get the link to work.
Bfa2, the Beyond Frontiers Audio integrated amp sounds exceptional, but way beyond my $6500 budget unfortunately. I looked at the Vivid review you provided a link to . You must have a marvelous system. Thanks.
Builder3, sounds like good advice. Do you think it would be safe to hook the system up with the zip cord and the inexpensive RCA connectors I have now, before demoing various high quality cables to make that investment? There might be able some higher quality cables available locally I could try out. Thanks.