Replacement for Lyra Titan i

Hi , My Lyra Titan i stylus broke today while cleaning and looking for replacement . I am using Lyra Delos which i purchased long time back which i never used, but did not like the sound when i comapare to Titan i  .  What would be a best cartridge comparable to "Titan i" ?
My System is

SME 20/3Graham Phantom Supreme IIARC Preamp /AmpsVandersteen 7
Get your Lyra Titan rebuilt by Lyra or a third party rebuild shop like Expert Stylus, Soundsmith or Phono Cartridge Retipping.
I never tried a rebuild by a 3rd party, but read a lot here who say it's just not the same (sound) as the original manufacturer does. 
Right, some say it is an improvement. some say a downgrade, some can't tell the difference. Love to hear your thoughts when you have some experience.