Replacement for Lyra Titan i

Hi , My Lyra Titan i stylus broke today while cleaning and looking for replacement . I am using Lyra Delos which i purchased long time back which i never used, but did not like the sound when i comapare to Titan i  .  What would be a best cartridge comparable to "Titan i" ?
My System is

SME 20/3Graham Phantom Supreme IIARC Preamp /AmpsVandersteen 7
Get your Lyra Titan rebuilt by Lyra or a third party rebuild shop like Expert Stylus, Soundsmith or Phono Cartridge Retipping.
I never tried a rebuild by a 3rd party, but read a lot here who say it's just not the same (sound) as the original manufacturer does. 
Right, some say it is an improvement. some say a downgrade, some can't tell the difference. Love to hear your thoughts when you have some experience.
Andy at the Needle Clinic can use the same kind of cantilever and diamond as what’s in the original. Turn around time is a week or even less. Very reasonable.