At Audio Alternative in Ft. Collins, CO. You can google the name and click on the site to see both his show room and private set up. His set up includes Vandersteen7 mkii, Vandersteen subs, main amps and other equipment I am not sure of. Listening chairs are very comfortable leather about ten feet from the speakers. He plays only vinyl, mostly jazz.
Get ready! The system no longer is a source of sound, but the room becomes a musical atmosphere and the sonic performance is as natural as breathing. All in all, an incredible
experience and needless to say, very! addictive.
I am not affiliated with Rick or Audio Alternative except as a happy customer.
Get ready! The system no longer is a source of sound, but the room becomes a musical atmosphere and the sonic performance is as natural as breathing. All in all, an incredible
experience and needless to say, very! addictive.
I am not affiliated with Rick or Audio Alternative except as a happy customer.