Golden ear triton 1 vs tekton double impact speakers

With so much positive information about both do you have a preference? Have you heard both?
I had mildly muddy bass with the Tritons when I had them but I was running with a tube amp. The internal amplification seemed to accentuate the tubes. Much better firmer bass when switched to high current ss amp with tube pre. 

i agree with you. I have never had muddy bass or bright/shrill highs on either my Triton Ones  which are driven by a Mac 200wpc integrated.  I also am using. Mac tube pre with a Mac 150wpc power amp on my Triton References and the music is wonderful.  I don’t do home theater  either.  The stores where the people had a terrible audition tells me the speakers were just plopped in a spot and hooked up.  That was the case with the Triton Ones when I auditioned them. I almost didn’t buy them but they were playing mp3 on them so I took a chance. I am very glad I did. 
That may be interesting but it's not remarkable.
I'm not trying to insult anyone's gear or choices.
We all know that sound reproduction and listening and personal preferences are highly subjective things. A large part of that is the room characteristics, the upstream equipment, the source material, etc., etc.
I just happen to be in the position of having both of these products on hand and wanted to provide the most comprehensive impression to the inquirer.
If five of us were in the room at the same time, listening to the same things and went off to write our own reviews, no doubt you'd have five different opinions. If we all sat at a table to discuss and went back and forth to the listening room, we could probably agree on a few general statements about each product. There are certain characteristics in particular that we personally regard in different ways according to our tastes, where and how we use the products and so on.
I had the Triton 1s long before the DIs came along and had the DIs never come along, I was thoroughly and completely happy with the Tritons. Put these same products in someone else's listening space and the impression of them could certainly be different. Certainly, the most important impression when listening to different speakers we intend to purchase is our own.
Stereo 5,

I auditioned the GE’s in two different Hifi emporiums.  In the first one they only had the References.  After hearing them,  I decided to stick with the speakers I own.  I couldn’t believe how poor the the presentation was. Just on a hunch, I went to the second store which happened to have all three speakers I was interested in.  By a slim margin the Triton 1’s sounded best.  Good enough for me to ask them if I could audition the demos at home. I took them home the same day.
Holy Crap!  
They sounded fantastic.  No comparison to how they sounded at either store.  I don’t know how these guys stay in business if not for the home theater crowd.  At one time, both establishments were really remarkable.
 I agree with no2headphones that two people (or five) may not hear alike or listen to the same type of music or have the same equipment.  But, objectively, none of the negative traits described come close to what I hear.  The speakers in my setting are truly stunning.