Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?


I love them tomatoes. They exist, they're real, unlike speaker wire burn in.

I think I'm finally seeing the light - that exists between your ears. From now on, I'm taking my new speaker cables to the holy land and drag them on the ground from West to East. Then, I'm bringing them to your place so you can breath on them and correctly mark them for directionality before I even try them in my system. My main concern is how to counteract the magnetic field of the northern hemisphere. Is it possible to get your cables coated in lead or should I buy them from a shop in the southern hemisphere?

As more and more products go wireless including speakers (blueranger thinks we'll still have point source, wired speakers 50 years from now, at least his descendants will), how will we deal with burn in then? There's got to be a way to manipulate that Wi-Fi to make it sound better?

We need to keep this thread going. Eventually, enough people will read it that 30, 40, 50 years from now, they'll realize how stubborn and obtuse we were. But then, thanks to time travel, someone will have the good sense to come back to erase this thread.
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We say our thing, get flamed,and more or less go away, although I think it is probably a good thing so those who (correctly) thought they know a little about science and engineering can realize MANY other well educated people understand a crock of marketing silliness is indeed just that. But be sure GK can at least outlast us since his whole being is in it and seems to have nothing better to do. Peace out.

>>>>I see you came back for some more abuse. There are apparently two kinds of audiophiles. The kind that likes being kicked in the head. And the kind that enjoys doing the kicking. Knowledge is what’s left after you subtract out all the stuff you forgot from school. You may have been well educated but that was a long time ago. In fact, now that you mention it, I’m not sure I’d call engineers in general well educated. But that’s for another discussion.